One of our projects this week had us look up an article on experimentation and explain the different variables of it and the situation. I will sum it up for you. It was an article about phobias. It talked about this experimenter who took a man who was mentally instable and a perfectly healthy man and put then through two different tests to try to get some information on how people react to phobias. It was quite interesting to see the results. I will leave the link here for you to take a gander. Well at the time im doing this I cannot open proquest because it says its unavailable, so if you get some time go to proquest and type in phobias. But this picture below symbolizes the main part of the test, where they had both of the test subjects stare at colored geometric shapes and they watched how both of them would react to the shapes color and size.

My reaction to all of this experimentation stuff is that i find it as a good way to gather information. I feel that it can also help people. Maybe if they have a phobia and they can't get over it, if they have someone experiment them, they can help them overcome that fear. I learned a little bit about experimentation but there is still a lot to learn. I also find it very interesting and shocking that there are many different methods to experimentation, who knows; someone could be experimenting you right now!
This experiment seems interesting. I have to wonder how the shapes and such could relate to phobias and overcoming them. Although I'm too lazy to go look for your article. At any rate, I'm rather fond of learning about things such as Phobias, and it's interesting to me to find out the types of phobias other people have. Personally, I don't have much of a reaction to that picture. To me, they're just coloured shapes on paper.